Developing pvOps


To maintain a local installation, developers should use the following commands:

git clone
cd pvops
pip install -e .


To test locally, run:

pytest pvops

at the root of the repository. Note that this requires the installation of pytest.


Pvops uses flake8 to maintain code standards. To lint locally using the same filters required by pvops CI/CD pipeline, run the following command at the root of the repository:

flake8 . --count --statistics --show-source --ignore=E402,E203,E266,E501,W503,F403,F401,E402,W291,E302,W391,W292,F405,E722,W504,E121,E125,E712

Note that this requires the installation of flake8.


Building docs

To build docs locally, navigate to pvops/docs and run:

make html

After building, the static html files can be found in _build/html.


The pvOps documentation adheres to NumPy style docstrings. Not only does this help to keep a consistent style, but it is also necessary for the API documentation to be parsed and displayed correctly. For an example of what this should look like:

def func(arg1, arg2):
"""Summary line.

Extended description of function.

arg1 : int
    Description of arg1
arg2 : str
    Description of arg2

    Description of return value

return True

Additional examples can be found in the napoleon documentation.

Extending Documentation

When adding new functionality to the repository, it is important to check that it is being properly documented in the API documentation. Most of this is automatic. For example, if a function is added to pvops.text.visualize with a proper docstring, there is no more work to do. However, when new files are created they must be added to the appropriate page in docs/pages/apidoc so that the automatic documentation recognizes it.

New pages should be placed into docs/pages, and linked to in index.html, or another page. It is recommended to use absolute paths (starting from the root of the documentation) when linking anything.