Timeseries AIT Tutorial

The goal of this notebook is to use the trained AIT model to calculate expected energy levels based on field data. First we will load in and clean the data and after the expected energy is calculated, we will create comparitive visualizations.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
from pvops.timeseries import preprocess
from pvops.timeseries.models import linear, iec, AIT
from pvops.text2time import utils as t2t_utils, preprocess as t2t_preprocess

Load in data

example_OMpath = os.path.join('example_data', 'example_om_data2.csv')
example_prodpath = os.path.join('example_data', 'example_prod_with_covariates.csv')
example_metapath = os.path.join('example_data', 'example_metadata2.csv')
prod_data = pd.read_csv(example_prodpath, on_bad_lines='skip', engine='python')
date randid generated_kW expected_kW irrad_poa_Wm2 temp_amb_C wind_speed_ms temp_mod_C
0 2018-04-01 07:00:00 R15 0.475 0.527845 0.02775 16.570 4.2065 14.1270
1 2018-04-01 08:00:00 R15 1332.547 1685.979445 87.91450 16.998 4.1065 15.8610
2 2018-04-01 09:00:00 R15 6616.573 7343.981135 367.90350 20.168 4.5095 24.5745
3 2018-04-01 10:00:00 R15 8847.800 10429.876422 508.28700 21.987 4.9785 30.7740
4 2018-04-01 11:00:00 R15 11607.389 12981.228814 618.79450 23.417 4.6410 35.8695
metadata = pd.DataFrame()
metadata['randid'] = ['R15', 'R10']
metadata['dcsize'] = [25000, 25000]
randid dcsize
0 R15 25000
1 R10 25000

Column dictionaries

Create production and metadata column dictionary with format {pvops variable: user-specific column names}. This establishes a connection between the user’s data columns and the pvops library.

prod_col_dict = {'siteid': 'randid',
                 'timestamp': 'date',
                 'powerprod': 'generated_kW',
                 'energyprod': 'generated_kW',
                 'temperature':'temp_amb_C', # Optional parameter, used by one of the modeling structures
                 'baseline': 'AIT', #user's name choice for new column (baseline expected energy defined by user or calculated based on IEC)
                 'dcsize': 'dcsize', #user's name choice for new column (System DC-size, extracted from meta-data)
                 'compared': 'Compared',#user's name choice for new column
                 'energy_pstep': 'Energy_pstep', #user's name choice for new column
                 'capacity_normalized_power': 'capacity_normalized_power', #user's name choice for new column

metad_col_dict = {'siteid': 'randid',
                  'dcsize': 'dcsize'}

Data Formatting

Use the prod_date_convert function to convert date information to python datetime objects and use prod_nadate_process to handle data entries with no date information - here we use pnadrop=True to drop such entries.

prod_data_converted = t2t_preprocess.prod_date_convert(prod_data, prod_col_dict)
prod_data_datena_d, _ = t2t_preprocess.prod_nadate_process(prod_data_converted, prod_col_dict, pnadrop=True)

Assign production data index to timestamp data, using column dictionary to translate to user columns.

prod_data_datena_d.index = prod_data_datena_d[prod_col_dict['timestamp']]

min(prod_data_datena_d.index), max(prod_data_datena_d.index)
(Timestamp('2018-04-01 07:00:00'), Timestamp('2019-03-31 18:00:00'))

Data Preprocessing

Preprocess data with prod_inverter_clipping_filter using the threshold model. This adds a mask column to the dataframe where True indicates a row to be removed by the filter.

masked_prod_data = preprocess.prod_inverter_clipping_filter(prod_data_datena_d, prod_col_dict, metadata, metad_col_dict, 'threshold', freq=60)

filtered_prod_data = masked_prod_data[masked_prod_data['mask'] == False].copy()
del filtered_prod_data['mask']

print(f"Detected and removed {sum(masked_prod_data['mask'])} rows with inverter clipping.")
Detected and removed 24 rows with inverter clipping.

Visualize the power signal versus covariates (irradiance, ambient temp, wind speed) for one site

temp = filtered_prod_data[filtered_prod_data['randid'] == 'R10']
for xcol in ['irrad_poa_Wm2', 'temp_amb_C', 'wind_speed_ms']:
    plt.scatter(temp[xcol], temp[prod_col_dict['powerprod']])

Add a dcsize column to production data and populate using site metadata.

# metad.to_dict()
date randid generated_kW expected_kW irrad_poa_Wm2 temp_amb_C wind_speed_ms temp_mod_C
2018-04-01 07:00:00 2018-04-01 07:00:00 R15 0.475 0.527845 0.02775 16.570 4.2065 14.1270
2018-04-01 08:00:00 2018-04-01 08:00:00 R15 1332.547 1685.979445 87.91450 16.998 4.1065 15.8610
2018-04-01 09:00:00 2018-04-01 09:00:00 R15 6616.573 7343.981135 367.90350 20.168 4.5095 24.5745
2018-04-01 10:00:00 2018-04-01 10:00:00 R15 8847.800 10429.876422 508.28700 21.987 4.9785 30.7740
2018-04-01 11:00:00 2018-04-01 11:00:00 R15 11607.389 12981.228814 618.79450 23.417 4.6410 35.8695
# Create 'dcsize' column first with site IDs
filtered_prod_data[prod_col_dict['dcsize']] = filtered_prod_data[prod_col_dict['siteid']]

# prepare dictionary for replace function
metad = metadata.copy()
metad.set_index('randid',inplace = True)

# replace site IDs with corresponding DC size
filtered_prod_data.replace(metad.to_dict(), inplace=True)

Visualize energy production for a specific site

filtered_prod_data.loc[filtered_prod_data['randid'] == 'R15',prod_col_dict['energyprod']].plot()
<AxesSubplot: xlabel='date'>

Drop rows where important columns are na

model_prod_data = filtered_prod_data.dropna(subset=['irrad_poa_Wm2', 'temp_amb_C', 'wind_speed_ms', 'dcsize', prod_col_dict['energyprod']])
date randid generated_kW expected_kW irrad_poa_Wm2 temp_amb_C wind_speed_ms temp_mod_C dcsize
2018-04-01 07:00:00 2018-04-01 07:00:00 R15 0.475 0.527845 0.02775 16.570 4.2065 14.1270 25000
2018-04-01 08:00:00 2018-04-01 08:00:00 R15 1332.547 1685.979445 87.91450 16.998 4.1065 15.8610 25000
2018-04-01 09:00:00 2018-04-01 09:00:00 R15 6616.573 7343.981135 367.90350 20.168 4.5095 24.5745 25000
2018-04-01 10:00:00 2018-04-01 10:00:00 R15 8847.800 10429.876422 508.28700 21.987 4.9785 30.7740 25000
2018-04-01 11:00:00 2018-04-01 11:00:00 R15 11607.389 12981.228814 618.79450 23.417 4.6410 35.8695 25000

Dynamic linear modeling

Here we use the AIT model to calculate expected energy based on field data. This is appended to model_prod_data as a new column named ‘AIT’.

model_prod_data = AIT.AIT_calc(model_prod_data, prod_col_dict)
The fit has an R-squared of -569972861.7979063 and a log RMSE of 9.515344605202777

Visualize results

We visualize the measured hourly energy, our pre-trained model’s expected energy, and the results of a partner-produced expected energy over various time-scales.

# defining a plotting utility function
def plot(data, randid, from_idx=0, to_idx=1000):
    # Just making the visualization labels better here.. for this example's data specifically.
    data.rename(columns={'generated_kW': 'Measured Energy',
                         'AIT': 'Our Pre-trained Model',
                         'expected_kW': 'Partner Expected Energy'}, inplace=True)
    data[data['randid']==randid][['Measured Energy', 'Our Pre-trained Model', 'Partner Expected Energy']].iloc[from_idx:to_idx].plot(figsize=(12,6))
plot(model_prod_data, "R15", from_idx=0, to_idx=100)
plot(model_prod_data, "R15", from_idx=-100, to_idx=-1)
plot(model_prod_data, "R10", from_idx=0, to_idx=100)
plot(model_prod_data, "R10", from_idx=-100, to_idx=-1)